
Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Moon

New Moon is the sequel to twilight. It starts off with Bella Swans 18th birthday at the home of the Cullens were she gets many presents, but upon opening one of her presents she gets a paper cut. Even though the Cullens are “vegetarians” as in they only drink animal blood they still have can smell the blood, and there are still prone to being blood thirsty.
Jasper lunges toward her and starts a big adversity that causes Edward to have to say goodbye to Bella. She is depressed and “feel like there was a big hole through her chest,” and when her dad says for her to go to La push were his son of her dad’s best friend lives.
She enjoys her time with Jacob black, and loves him, but nothing like her love for Edward. With the loss of Edward she wants everything to see him, and the only way to see him is if she is in danger. In turn she does a lot of stupid stuff like crashing a motorcycle, and cliff diving, but she just gets a little glimpse at her beloved.
In the process of her finding her way to see Edward she goes to the meadow in which she went with Edward she sees Laurent the man that was friends with James the vampire that hunted Bella down months before.  He brings news that Victoria; another companion of James wants Bella gone “a mate for a mate.” She wants Edward to feel what she felt after the death of her beloved.
Before Laurent gets to her a pack of giant wolves comes, and so does Jacob, but he is one of the massive wolves.  He and his wolf pack vow to save her from the “red headed blood sucker,”
Her antics from trying to see Edward was not very good, for Alice; one the Cullens can see the future, and Edward can read minds. So Alice saw Bella jumping of the cliff, and thought she was dead. She went back to Forks to give her condolences to Charlie, and finds Bella alive.
She tells Bella that Edward saw her vision, and went to the Volturi the basic royalty of vampires that decides whether vampires should die or live depending if they have made the world of vampires known to humans. Edward wanted to die too. So Bella and Alice go to Italy the home of the Volturi.
On the verge of Edward revealing himself in front of hundreds of people Bella gets Edwards attention, and stops him, but this did not go unnoticed by the Volturi.
They see that Bella knows too much about vampires so they want to kill her. Starting with Jane one of the Volturi guard who has the power to make people burn and hurt without them being able to stop her, but she was not able to do this. Bella was able to shield herself from this.
I liked this book it was a good sequel to the first. I give it an A it was able to live up to the standards that Twilight has set, but it was a little better. If you are on team Jacob then this is probably your favorite book because it has a lot of the Jacob you love.
Remember this week’s question:
Team Edward, Team Jacob, or Team Switzerland 

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